5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity Levels

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If you’ve been feeling unmotivated, distracted, or have trouble concentrating on your work, keep reading on for tips on how to increase your productivity. Staying productive at work may be difficult and doesn’t come naturally to everyone – it does involve putting in some effort and adapting healthy work habits. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help you stay focused and productive throughout the workday.


Below, we listed 5 ways you can boost your productivity at work:

Eliminate distractions

Some people need complete silence and zero disturbances to stay focused on their work. If this is something that resonates with you, try eliminating all distractions for better concentration. This can include: silencing notifications on your phone, maintaining a tidy work space, and removing yourself from noisy settings (using noise-cancellation headphones are also a great option!)

Set short-term goals

Make a to-do list containing all the daily, weekly, or monthly tasks you wish to accomplish. Then make a schedule and set realistic deadlines for yourself, making sure to prioritize tasks to help with your time management. Accomplishing your short-term goals can motivate you to continue onwards and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Listen to classical music

Research showed that listening to classical music can help people concentrate and perform tasks more efficiently. This genre of music enhances brain activity and increases your ability to manipulate shapes and solve spatial puzzles. So put Beethoven, Chopin, and Mozart on blast! 

Stay nourished

Working on an empty stomach is less than ideal, so make sure to keep yourself fueled with healthy foods and water. What you eat can also impact your productivity levels; in fact, nutrient-rich “brain food” snacks can boost your memory and improve overall performance. And as appealing as junk foods may seem, try to steer clear of them as they can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and subsequently “crash,” making you feel more tired and sluggish throughout the day.

Take breaks as needed

Taking short breaks throughout the day can actually be good for you and is necessary for reducing high levels of stress and burnout. So take a five-minute breather, get up to stretch your legs, and grab a healthy snack or glass of water. A short break can help with mental fatigue and make you feel more refreshed and energized once returning back to your work.