The 5 Best Tips To Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

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Sleep is an essential part of your health. It can boost your immune system, prevent weight gain, increase productivity, and put you in a better mood. However, millions of adults don’t get the recommended 7 or more hours a night of sleep, and not getting enough sleep can lead to serious potential problems. We listed our top 5 tips below to help you sleep better:


  1. Don’t use electronics right before bed: electronics such as your TV and smartphone emit blue light, which tricks your body into thinking it’s still daytime and lowers your melatonin levels (your body naturally produces this hormone to make you feel drowsy at night). Try to limit your usage and if you’re a late-night phone scroller, enable “night shift” mode or wear blue light blocking glasses.
  2. Have a nighttime routine to help you wind down: having a nighttime routine and setting the right environment can help you relax and get ready for bed. Dim the lights in your room, take a relaxing bath, read a book, write in your journal, or listen to a meditation app and try to temporarily forget about your worries and to-do list for the next day. Setting a regular sleep schedule can also help synchronize your sleep cycle and circadian rhythm.
  3. Aromatherapy: the use of essential oils can be extremely relaxing. Add a few drops of lavender, ylang ylang, or chamomile oil in a diffuser and your entire room will soon be filled with a calming scent that’ll put you at ease and in the right mood for sleep. You can also dilute your lavender oil with water and use a spray bottle to spritz the scent onto your pillows.
  4. Avoid eating or drinking too close to your bedtime: try not to eat excessive meals at least 3 hours before bedtime as it can cause heartburn, weight gain, and disrupt sleep. Also try to avoid drinking caffeine and opt for caffeine-free drinks, such as peppermint and chamomile teas.
  5. Listen to white noise: if you often struggle to fall asleep, you may want to consider trying to fall asleep while listening to white noise. It’s a steady soothing sound that masks and distracts you from other unwanted sounds, such as street cars and noisy neighbors, which may disrupt your sleep. Studies have shown that white noise can reduce the time it takes a person to fall asleep by 40%.